Can I still exercise during pregnancy?

Pregnant individuals should participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate to intensity physical activity each week over a minimum of three days per week; however, being active in a variety of ways every day is encouraged. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of pregnancy and labour complications. Benefits of exercise include:

  • Labour preparation and training your body to breathe through difficult sensations.

  • Mood-boosting endorphins

  • Decreased newborn complications, C-sections, urinary incontinence, excessive weight gain, and depression

  • Improved baby brain development

Always listen to your body and go at a pace that feels comfortable for you. Try not to overheat. Benefits are shown with even 30 minutes a day of moderate paced walking.

Adjust your routine if you have previously been doing any type of physical activity before pregnancy. Check with your doctor before beginning or continuing any exercise program as there are conditions in which exercise may be risky. Avoid high impact activities or sports where there is an increased risk of falling (snowboarding, skiing, contact football, etc.).

Koble series:

Prenatal exercise and pelvic floor pain by Dr. Laura von Hagen

Koble sessions:

Perinatal core exercises by Dr. Farzana Bandali

First trimester stretches by Celine Nonzerville

Other resources:

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