Is nausea and vomiting normal during pregnancy?

Is NVP normal?

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) are very common symptoms. Most women who experience NVP will experience it in their first trimester, although some women continue to experience nausea beyond the first trimester. And some lucky ones hardly experience it at all.

When to seek help:

Speak with your healthcare provider if you are vomiting past the first trimester (first 14 weeks) to discuss dietary and medical options. Seek medical attention at hospital if you are experiencing symptoms of dehydration, fainting, significant weight loss, or if you are unable to keep down any fluids or food. Some pregnant people may experience ‘hyperemesis gravidarum’, which is a more severe form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that may require an emergency room visit and/or admission to hospital for iv fluids and medications. Sometimes home care can be arranged for supportive anti-nausea medications and fluids.

Koble series:

First trimester symptoms and strategies

Koble sessions:

Nutrition for morning sickness by Dr Laura Von Hagen

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