What are strategies which I can use to combat postpartum anxiety?

Seek help and support:

It is important to talk to your support network and doctor if you suspect you may have a postpartum mood disorder. Your doctor might prescribe sleep, social support, cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy and/or mood stabilizing medications. Strategies for combating postpartum anxiety are similar to those of postpartum depression.


Optimize your own sleep. Insomnia and trouble falling asleep (even when the baby is sleeping) can be one of the first signs of a postpartum mood disorder. Go to bed when the baby does at least once a week, ask for help with other children so you can sleep during the day, and split night time shifts with your partner or a family member if possible


Build your community and ask for help. Parenting groups, check in calls from friends and family, and outings will all help combat feelings of isolation.

Physical health:

Pay attention to your physical health: eat a balanced diet, avoid caffeine and alcohol, go for walks or exercise with baby and focus on sleeping/resting when possible.

Koble series:

Preparing for post-birth mental health challenges

Koble sessions:

Introduction to postpartum mental health by Julia Farquharson

Other resources:


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