How do I recover from a c-section?

First and foremost, go easy on yourself! You are not only recovering from childbirth but abdominal surgery.

Focus on your recovery:

Stay on top of your pain by taking medications regularly at least for the first few days. Avoid any heavy lifting or twisting. Hold a pillow over your abdomen if you anticipate sneezing or laughing and keep the incision area clean and dry.

Ignore house tasks and focus on sleep, toileting, eating and drinking for you and your baby. Ensure you rest and sleep. Focus on your long-term physical health as well by getting up between feedings to stretch and move your legs to avoid a blood clot in your calf. Take short walks around your house in the first few days, increasing in duration each day to build stamina when you are ready both mentally and physically.

When to seek help:

Tell your healthcare provider if you have any kind of swelling, oozing or odor from the incision.

Koble sessions:

Caesarean section recovery by Dr Yolanda Kirkham (MD)

Other resources:

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