When should I start exercising after giving birth?

When you can begin exercising will depend on the health of your pregnancy and the way you delivered your baby. With a healthy pregnancy and uncomplicated vaginal delivery, you may be able to start exercising a few days postpartum if you feel up to it.

When you return to exercise, take it slow and easy depending on how you feel and your stage of recovery. Exercise can focus on different parts of the body (eg. core, arms, pelvis). After 4-6 weeks, 150 minutes every week (20 minutes a day) is recommended. Even lifting the baby can be considered arm exercise!

If you have an underlying health condition, had a caesarean birth, or a large vaginal tear, talk to your care provider about the best plan for returning to exercise. Abdominal exercises can often begin after your check up.

Koble series:

Strengthen your core and glutes postpartum by Dr. Farzana Bandali

The pelvic floor, urination and bowels by Lauren Campbell

Koble sessions:

When and how to return to running after baby by Dr. Farzana Bandali

Other resources:


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